Guides - How to Measure for Size
How to Measure your Head Size for a Wig
Just like shopping for clothes, you want to start by browsing in the right size or section of the store. If you are 5'10" tall and you are shopping in the petite section, it will inevitably be a frustrating experience. Therefore, the first step in selecting a wig is to determine your head size.
For women’s wigs, there are 3 basic sizes: Petite, Average and Large. Most women (90-95%) will wear an average sized cap. For those who do not wear an average, the majority will wear a petite cap. A small percentage of women will wear a large cap. To achieve accurate measurements, it is best to have someone else help you. The tape measure should be snug but not tight or pulled when the measurements are taken.
Circumference:To measure the circumference of your head. you will be tracing around your hairline. To begin, take a flexible cloth or seamstress measuring tape. Starting at your forehead, trace all the way around your hairline, behind the ears, to the nape of your neck and back behind your opposite ear to meet the end of the measuring tape in front.
The majority of the time, using the circumference of your head will give you an accurate indication of size and you can stop with the first dimension. If your size didn't match your expectations, you may wish to take an additional measurement. |
Front to Back:Run your finger up the center of your forehead until you touch the roots of your hair. This is where you will begin your measurement. Next, starting at your spine, run your finger up your neck until you touch the roots of your hair. This is where you will end your measurement. Run the measuring tape from the starting point to the ending point over the top or crown of the head. Use the following dimensions as a guideline:
Because most women wear an average sized cap, there will be more choices for women whose heads are within the average size range. Our wigs come with an adjustable strap that allows you to get a customized fit within the range. If your wig does not feel right when you first put it on, try adjusting the straps. |